Sunday, September 17, 2006

Response to Text and Keith's show on Friday.

I found the Crookes and Chaudron article broken up and hard to read. I kept reading the phases over and over again, trying to figure out if they were supposed to be linear, or if they were just suggesting different ideas for different types of learning. After reading the blog, I’ve determined that most people have concluded that they are linear (the text may have said that and I just missed it completely). As other people have commented, I too have a problem with this linear formation. Each phase presents valuable ideas, but none of them provide useful examples (but I guess that’s our job!). Wouldn’t it be handy if they just threw in a bunch of lesson plans? I will probably come back to this article at some point while I am developing lesson plans, but just for basic ideas.

The article also touches on the difference between ESL and EFL teaching styles. We’ve also mentioned that there are different needs for teaching in Vancouver opposed to Japan. I am curious to learn more about this, and how to adapt when teaching EFL as my experience is fairly limited.

I really enjoyed Keith’s demonstration of useful technology on Friday. I am excited to learn more about using technology to my advantage. I thought it was particularly interesting because a lot of the things he showed us we can have as teachers without the students necessarily needing to buy things as well. Except now I want to go buy a bunch of stuff and I am broke!


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