Sunday, October 01, 2006


The first day of a new month is coming to an end, and a new school week is just around the corner--time goes by so quickly. Maybe if I blink it'll be December, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

This week was filled with presentations; all of them good. There was Madelaine's presentation (which I can't remember if it happened last week or this week) which demonstrated how effective literature and pictures could be in an EAL class. David and Brenda's touched the ever difficult task of error-correction. The replies on Dave's ESL Cafe were interesting, and showed how there are so many different ways to go about correcting students. Then Doug went over a student's writing sample and showed us how and what he would correct, which was very insightful. If possible, more practical hands-on demonstrations would be great in class. Sophia's reading response was filled with information. She even said that it not very enjoyable reading, but she did an excellent job organizing and presenting the information. She sounded very professional.

Bernie's Boxes, Mohan's Knowledge Framework or the Knowledge Framework, was a bit confusing, although this is my second time going over it. Mohan studied under Halliday, and before that Halliday studied under Firth, right? So would that make Mohan a Hallidain, and Halliday a Firthian? Doesn't Firthian sound like something out of a sci-fi novel?


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